Monday, August 4, 2014

A Yearning for Durning

Last week, I chatted with a friend online about our mutual admiration/lust for the late actor Charles Durning and when we first discovered it. He had a crush on Durning since seeing him in "The Choirboys" and a TV series "The Cop and the Kid" and I had a boner for him since I saw him running around naked on "Evening Shade." After reminiscent chat, I had a yearning to watch something with Mr. Durning that I turned to YouTube and found this two videos.

I found a clip from "O Brother Where Art Thou?" (2000) and as I'm watching this video, I came to a realization that Charles Durning was shaking his ass on stage. Yes 1 minute in, he's shaking his ass, dare I say, even twerking a little. Just the thought of that got me hot and bothered. What club did I walk into that would have him on stage shaking his ass. Who's next? Jack McGee? Richard Riehle dropping it like it's hot. Enough imagination time, back to Mr. Durning in A shame the scene panned out too far away to really enjoy it.

The next video I watched had two clip from the TV Mini-Series "Studs Lonigan" (1979) that highlighted an angry Mr. Durning. And any Durning fan know, a film with him throwing temper tantrums(preferably when he can curse and let loose the foul language) is an highlight and a few rear shots of his ass is plus. After that, I spent the rest of the week watching Charles Durning movies and admiring that hot ass of his.

Charles had a gorgeous chubby ass.

Nice shot of his ass.

That's enough to make me hop over a counter.

1 comment:

  1. First saw him in 'The Sting@ tubby rather than large but his hot smile and handsome face stood out. Played a nasty copper, perfectly. Grew into the hottest chub actor ever, Choirboys was good but Dinner at Eight has him in underpants and cowboy boots, pity still got his shirt on but you do see a ball bulge and his hot thick thighs. woof
