Sunday, December 18, 2016

Donovan Scott

Well it's Christmas time. So it's time for all heavyset actors to dust off the red hat and beards to play old saint Nick. Since my to favorite actors to play ole Saint Nick, Charles Durning and David Huddleston have died. And some other actors aren't really up to par. I've decided to settle on the new go to Santa of Hollywood and I'm surprised to find out he has been cast as the jolly elf in over 50 roles. So this week I bring you American character actor, Donovan Scott.

Scott is a great example of 'getting better with age' as he has the cutest face. There may not be another living human being who has the Santa look naturally as perfectly as he does. Film wise he is probably most famous for his role in 'Police Academy,' but to be honest, he didn't hit my radar until his now legendary role in the Progressive Insurance commercial where he's nut-in-two minutes hot. He's been in many classic movies and television shows: the aforementioned 'Police Academy,' 'Popeye,' 'Back to the Future III,' 'It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia' and of course the music video for Olivia Newton-John's 1981 hit "Physical." And physical, is what I'd like to get with him.

Looks like I hit the jackpot with this one. He's gay. So I totally have a shot with him, if he and his husband have been together for 43-years and married for 24. That lucky bastard!

 Talk about better with age.
Look at the progression. 
From this...

 To this...

 To this.
So much better.

 Santa never looked so good.

 I'd like to do more things in your lap than just sit.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza and have an awesome Winter Solstice to all!

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