I've found a lot of congressmen and senators hot over the years with one of my fantasies is doing IT with a mayor, governor, congressmen or senator. From their suits, hair (preferably gray), loafers and overall charisma of someone in public office, they can be pretty damn sexy. And if you have an issue with them (policies among other things), do what I do. Just imagine how much it'll piss them all off if they find out their a gay sex symbol :-). So lets get started.
#10. George H. Bush

The 41st president of the United States, first president Bush served as vice president under Ronald Reagan. Sure I could put a dick to Ronny, but it was H. W. that really caught my eye. Maybe it was the power of the highest office of the land because there's nothing all that special about him that I know of. A former congressman, ambassador, and Director of Central Intelligence, he is currently the oldest living former President and Vice President. So he's old as fuck but still looks younger than his wife. He's also the father of George W. Bush, the 43rd president and and 2016 presidential candidate, Jeb Bush. So my father/son/brother fetish is strong here.
#9. Bob Packwood
A politician from Oregon, a member of the Republican Party and a real horn dog. Packwood resigned from the US Senate, under threat of expulsion, in 1995 after allegations of sexual harassment, abuse and assault of women emerged. He was basically kissing women, grabbing them, pulling down underwear and all kinds of stuff. No drugging or raping and as far as I can tell, he didn't even have sex with any of them. Maybe the thought of a senator doing those things made him seem hot to me because he he's not all that handsome to me, so it must a power thing with him.
#8. Henry Hyde
A tall, pear-shaped, 13-term congressman from Chicago who gained national attention for his leadership role in managing the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. Later, the pious defender of family values and stern opponent of abortion was embarrassed by Salon’s exposure of his lengthy affair with a much younger woman while he was married and serving in the Illinois Legislature. Maybe I liked him because he looked like a neighbor I once had. And well you should know me by now. I love chubs.
#7. Dan Rostenkowski
One of the most powerful legislators in Washington, especially in matters of taxation, until he went to prison. Rostenkowski's political career ended abruptly in 1994 when he pleaded guilty to charges of mail fraud and was fined and sentenced to 17 months in prison. When his mail fraud case came out I thought he was the hottest thing out at the time. Well... look at him. Before he died, his later career included stints as a political commentator, a college teacher and the head of Danross Associates, a consulting firm in Chicago.
#6. Chris Dodd
A lobbyist, lawyer, and Democratic Party politician who served as a United States Senator from Connecticut for a thirty-year period. And one third of the La Brasserie "waitress sandwich." The white hair, loafers and suit, Dodd fit the profile of a polished US senator. And the fact that he was Ted Kennedy's wing man made him seem hotter.
#5. Duke Cunningham
And here's another congressman who went to jail. A former San Diego congressman who served an eight-year sentence in a federal lock-up for charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud and tax evasion. The former flamboyant ace fighter pilot is considered the most corrupt member of Congress ever if measured by the amount of bribes he admitted accepting. And out of all the things that came out about Cunningham, the one that caught my attention was that one of his unindicted co-conspirators had provided him with prostitutes. He never stated that it was female prostitutes, just prostitutes. Now that he's out, maybe I should head to Arkansas(where he lives now) to find out which he prefers.
#4. Larry Craig
This former senator from the state of Idaho is best known for being arrested for lewd conduct in a men's restroom at a Minneapolis Airport and later entered a guilty plea to a lesser charge of disorderly conduct. Though I've never cruised in a bathroom, Craig's story sounded a little suspicious. I mean who has that wide of a stance. Despite firmly stating that he 'was not and never had been gay,' Craig announced his intention to resign from the Senate at a news conference, but later decided to finish the remainder of his term. To me, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck. It's a duck. And if you've seen his wife, you can tell she's beard material.
#3. Barney Frank
The former congressman from Massachusetts, is considered the most prominent gay politician in the United States, but Frank too, had troubles with the law. His friend/male prostitute was running an escort service out of his residence, but there was no evidence that Frank had known of or been involved in the alleged illegal activity. I guess that old saying "never turn a whore into a house wife" is meant for a woman or a man. Anyway, Barney has something that I like. From that voice of his to his dis-shovel way of dressing. He just makes me want to bang him like a screen door in a hurricane. I wonder if he's a bottom. Probably a bottom. Who am I kidding, yeah he's a bottom.
#2. Lyndon B. Johnson
Lyndon Baines Johnson, often referred to as LBJ, was the 36th President of the United States, succeeding the late President John F. Kennedy. And like Kennedy, he was famous womanizing ways. A real whore. Lets see, he had a twenty year affair with one mistress, an illegitimate child with another mistress, and numerous brief affairs as well. He would screw anything that would crawl, basically. He was a horny old man. He was also a crude son of a bitch with no decorum whatsoever, but with a dick nicknamed 'Jumbo,' that he'll often whip out in public, you can let all that slide. LBJ had many of the "tell-tale" or mythical characteristics of allegedly hung men. Large nose, ears, hands, and feet. Plus, he was pretty tall so if he were proportional he was at least bigger than average. And he was ruggedly handsome, even in his later years. He was kind of HOT when he was younger too. In a kinda fugly way.
#1. Ted Kennedy
Really. Who else would it be at #1. Sure everyone else on this list is/was hot in their own way, but again Teddy would be my choice for #1, with the others not even close seconds. He was more my type physically. Husky to down right fat, gray hair and a hairy bear of a man. Back in the 90's when I had a huge thing for him, I fantasized about meeting him at a bar, getting him all liquored up (which wouldn't have been hard at that time), and then taking advantage of him at his compound. I'm betting he wasn't in LBJ range, but sure he had something decent in his pants (other than fat ass of his). The Senator from Massachusetts was a legend in the Senate, nicknamed 'the lion' was the second most senior member of the Senate when he died and was the fourth-longest-serving senator in United States history, having served there for almost 47 years. And reason he lasted so long was that he had sex appeal. Any and everybody wanted to fuck him.
Ted is your first choice! Wow! Now he turns 80sh. Maybe he changes his "league".