Monday, June 13, 2016


His name is R. Lee Emery and he's talented character actor known for his military roles and tough cops, more often than not gone bad. Best known for playing the roles of authority figures, such as his breakout performance as Gunnery Sergeant Hartman in "Full Metal Jacket," Mayor Tilman in the Alan Parker film "Mississippi Burning," Sheriff Hoyt in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" remake, and plastic army men leader Sarge in the "Toy Story" films.

Surprisingly, Ermey model blue jeans for TV ads in his youth and keep his figure. The man is still fit and trim at 70+ and I bet totes a mean gun. I think he's hot with his hard ass attitude and manly voice turn me on, even with the bushy eyebrows! As far as I know, he hasn't done any nude/shirtless scenes except for a roles in "Saving Silverman" where he played a gay ex con/ex high football coach. You get a faraway side view of his ass. Why do these men insist on wearing clothes? I mean really. This is something that needs to be addressed. But I digress.

Rugged, sexy voice, Ermey has often been typecast for roles of authority figures, being a retired United States Marine Corps staff sergeant/drill instructor and an honorary gunnery sergeant. I’d continue typecasting him in a little independent movie I'd like to call “In Ermey Now!” It  goes like this. I'm strapped into a sling, while lets say a half dozen retired marines give my ass a good, hard pounding while R. Lee's in the background calling all sorts of names. Call me a glutton for verbal abuse.

Drop an give me 20 soldier! 20 squats on my dick.

That's a pretty big gun you got there.

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