Thursday, October 15, 2015

Chubby Daddy Bear, John Goodman

A big, amiable character actor with dozens of movies to his credit, John Goodman has skyrocketed to one of the sexiest American fat actor on the strength of his meat-and-potatoes, regular-guy affability and easygoing charm. For eight years he was a crucial part of the top-rated series "Roseanne," playing Roseanne’s forthright husband and comic foil. And while he enjoyed mainstream success with “Roseanne” and box office hits "The Babe," "Barton Fink" and “Everybody’s All-American” he maintained an "bear/chub" fan base as a perennial favorite in shows "Normal, Ohio."

With a sex apeal as large as his girth, John's quite a big man, at 6'2" with broad shoulders and big fleshy tits to die for. John had a nice, full, hard belly that ran the length of his torso. He has legs as thick as a full-back, beefy forearms and thick, meaty hands. He was built like a bull, just soft and hard in all the right places at all the right times. John's face was round with rosey cheeks. He had a full head of dark brown hair, blue eyes and a big smile. He had a very masculine look about him and that topped it all off, his portly frame was sexy, no doubt, but he carried himself with confidence that always made him seem sexy to me.

This guy is one of my all-time favorite chubby daddies. He's been in a ton of great roles, and I think he only gets more handsome with age. One of his recent roles as Pop in Speed Racer where it looks like he might’ve lost some weight, but not the moobs. Weight loss or no weight loss! I wish to see him naked and fuck him like a caveman. YABBA DABBA DOOOO!! Too bad he’s sober, now, too. There goes my fantasy of stumbling across him drunk in a bar and “making sure he gets home”. I was transfixed by John's moobs for the whole movie. WOOF he looks fuckin hot there, rocking that mustache.

Huggably vulnerable but with an underlying strength and potential for rage, Goodman has proved himself as a distinguished character actor and an unlikely leading man possessing broad appeal, enormous range, and the respect of audiences, peers and critics alike. Recently John has lost alot of weight, but he’ll always be my top chub no matter what. Personally I think his body was damn sexy back then and I would have loved to get fucked by him. Goodman is just a big burly sexgod, and I'll be lusting after him for a long time.

 A strict daddy look. Just what I like.

 Look at those tits. Their all deflated but I'll still knock 'em around.

 Here's those ta tas at their best. Motorboat material.

Good for John that he lost the weight. He's still a handsome man. And I still have plenty of wank material from his heavier days to last a life time.

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