Monday, January 25, 2016

Pat Conroy

Every once in a while, a hot guy comes at you out of left field. I expect to see hot actors, hot politicians, hot writers and businessmen when I trawl through the web. However, occasionally I am looking at things on the web and genuinely not anticipating anything cute. When a little piece of hotness appears somewhere on the screen, it's like finding something rare and precious (and hairy and sweaty). Much to my shame, I had never heard of this man before until someone mention wanting to fuck him in the comments on some blog I was searching through. I can't remember the guy's name, but my penis thanks you!! The man is question is author Pat Conroy.

Recognized as a leading figure of late-20th century Southern literature (and as a big daddy bear), who has written several acclaimed novels and memoirs. Two of his novels, "The Prince of Tides" and "The Great Santini," were made into Oscar-nominated films. A former military brat with daddy issues, if he was born a woman, he would have turned into a stripper or whore. Instead he became an author that I'd still take to a back alley for a $25 blow-job.

Conroy has been married three times with four or more kids and still married to his third wife, writer Cassandra King, who's also an author of four popular novels. But you know me. I'd like to ignore that fact and imagine that he's writing his own biography about how we were secret lovers for the past five years. Fucking like dogs in heat every time we get together. Yes... that would be a top seller.

The comb over might be a problem but I can over look that whilst my dick is in him.

Pat Conroy and his wife Cassandra King.

Look at those legs. I just a sucker for thick legs.

I want to be that dog on his lap.

He looks so cute here.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Ken Jenkins is a Really Hot Actor

Some TV shows have an amazing amount of hot older men that appear in it, to give the show some gravitas. That's a benefit for me, as it tends to be actors who are maybe getting on a bit or have never quite hit the big time. One of those men is character actor Ken Jenkins and he has been around for a while but it's only in the last few years that he has become so stunningly fuckable.

Jenkins first caught my attention on television drama series "Homefront," looking hot as hell as Steel manufacturer Mike Sloan, Sr.. But as hot as he looked in "Homefront," I didn't really take notice of him til I spotted him on an episode of "Scrubs" looking insanely gorgeous. Jenkins founds steady work and notoriety when he was cast as the curmudgeonly Chief of Medicine Dr. Bob Kelso. He was always the funniest of the cast in my opinion and sexiest. He's even cuter now that he in his 70's!

He's married, though I heard from a couple of websites that Jenkins is as gay as it comes, but these websites aren't exactly credible. I wish he was gay though, he's so damn handsome, I'd bang his ass all night long. At least I get to see him from time to time on "Cougar Town." At no point when I saw him on "Star Trek: The Next Generation," did I think 'you know, give him a few years and I'd be balls deep in lust.' It goes to show, you never can tell.

Ken's making that smug look hot.

As far as I know, he has only done one shirtless scene on the previously mentioned Scrubs, were he was in a quick scene in the shower. It was great seeing him all wet without a shirt. You gotta adore a chubby older daddy who is happy to get his top off.

Is just me or does it looks like Ken has sizable feet. Possibly big penis.

Ken also has beautiful blue eyes with a big smile. 

He can sing and play the acoustic guitar, and is seen doing so on Scrubs and Cougar Town. A one two combination that makes even hotter. Throw in a great personality and he's even sexier.  

Hmmmm... look at that belly... and it's growing. 

Damn Kelso's hot.